Quick Update

Payment History

You have 1 payment request records.

Date Amount Processing Fee Withdraw Method Status Hours To Pay
2009-01-09 06:14:49 GMT 2.00 0.50 AlertPay PENDING -


important notes, please read

Here is some simple rules:
1. 50 ads clicks consider as one(1) block, you need to inform me no. of block when you request for bonus from me, which mean that you can request your bonus for every 50 ads clicks.
2. **All bonus will be paid after i receive the payment from the PTC sites, except for FIRST block/50 ads clicks, you can request from me without waiting me to get the paid out.
3. Please inform me after you join any program.
4. Payment via PayPal and AlertPay only, please allow me a few days to check and process the payment.
5. Your links are allowed to add in this blog, please read more HERE.
6. For testing site, rule (2) is not applicable, i will only pay after i get paid from them. Read more HERE.
7. You can search for more detail (include my referral state also) about the PTC sites from "Blog Achieve" or "Categories" section, and click banner above if you want to join.

**For certain PTC sites, i will pay without using this rule, it mean that you can request anytime after you complete your job, i will put the "" icon at the banner there, eg look at Neobux banner.

100% Referral Bonus

Search for more detail from "Blog Achieve" or "Categories" section. Click Banner to Join.

100% Referral Bonus (Testing Site)
